About Us
Who We Are
SmartCats StayHome is a family owned business committed to helping cat owners keep their cat or cats safely at home. We have designed and manufactured our cat fences to be a permanent and cost effective solution to keep your cat from wandering away from home and getting into harm.
We Care
Many of us have had the experience of a cat being hit by a car or arriving home injured, often requiring a visit to the vet and hundreds of dollars in vet bills. This is a heart breaking situation because our cats are very much part of our family and we want to keep them safe.
We Know Cats
We have shared our lives with a variety of pets both large and small, each and every one was special to us. Cats are unique because they easily transform from lying on the bed in the sunniest spot in the house to a lethal hunter out prowling the neighbourhood, their athletic ability is amazing and they are tough. It is not easy to keep cats from going walk-about and many people have resorted to keeping their cats inside or in a fully enclosed cage or cat enclosure, this is not the life for a cat!

Our cat fences have been designed to allow your cat to have the freedom of your yard and allows you to enjoy the company of have your cat around your home.

We Want Your Home to Look Good
We want to keep your cats safe, but we also want your homes to look good, without putting up big barriers that look unsightly. We also need to consider the impact we have on our neighbours because we usually share our fences with other home owners. Our cat fences are popular with many people because they are discrete and neighbours do not mind having a cat fence.

Responsible Cat Owners Help Protect Native Wildlife
We want to keep your cats safe, but we also want your homes to look good, without putting up big barriers that look unsightly. We also need to consider the impact we have on our neighbours because we usually share our fences with other home owners. Our cat fences are popular with many people because they are discrete and neighbours do not mind having a cat fence.
A Lifetime Commitment To Save Global Habitats
SmartCats StayHome has made a lifetime commitment to purchase and protect land through World Land Trust www.worldlandtrust.org an organisation that has Sir David Attenborough as a patron to support the incredible work they do. Specifically we buy land through World Land Trust and their Buy an Acre program which purchases land to protect endangered natural habitats, forever. The threat of extinction for many species is very real and the problem is global so we purchase land habitats in any country that requires our help.
These are the natural and existing habitats that would otherwise be cleared for farming or agriculture and include important breeding grounds for endangered species such as migrating birds as well as natural habitats, sometimes a corridor used by an endangered species. These natural habitats are rapidly disappearing due to cutting down rainforests and farming. We want to help protect these natural habitats for all species to flourish. A habitat is not only the animals but also the whole ecosystem, the waterways and the plants they rely on for food.